Maraca with Bible Verse

Maraca with Bible Verse
1 Timothy 2:5

Good Reads From Amazon

Monday, July 13, 2009

Everyday Evangelism- July 13, 2009

Sorry about the last update. The video did not upload properly. I could not find the files for the video on my computer to upload it, so I transfered the video to another place where I could find it, but something was lost in the transfer. Am in the process of finding where the video files are located on my computer so I can upload it in the future. Not getting much of a response though. Guess nobody else knows where they are either : (
On a better note, I made $10 at the garage sale. That is great considering I wasn't really out there to sell much. I made 9 loaves of cinnamon bread, and a dozen cookies, which was where I made most of my money. I was really out there to learn how to do a garage sale, on my own, and to set up a table with evangelism material on it, so that people would come by and hopefully, start conversations about the Gospel. We really did not have too many people show up for the garage sale, as it was hot outside during the middle of the summer. Usually, our subdivision has the garage sale in October. Not sure why they planned on in the middle of summer. It was good experience for me, and I will continue to learn how to improve the methods of evangelism in the coming garage sale events that we will have in the future. Hopefully, will have lots more conversations with people in the future about the things of God.

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