Maraca with Bible Verse

Maraca with Bible Verse
1 Timothy 2:5

Good Reads From Amazon

Friday, December 18, 2009

Everyday Evangelism-Beautiful Balloons

Up, Up, and Away goes my beautiful balloon. Balloons can be beautiful. Here is the reason why; because they can carry the Gospel message wherever they are taken by the wind. In North Korea, people launch balloons that have the Gospel of Mark on them. They also carry lots of tracts on them and the tracts are distributed wherever they are taken by the balloons. There is another way that the Gospel can be carried around in a virtual sky. It is an I-phone app that is called, "Balloons". It costs 99 cents to download it to your I-phone if you have one. Then you can open the program up and launch your own balloon. You can put a message on it and send it out. I did this last week. After I downloaded the app, I opened the program up on my I-phone and typed in this saying, "Are you good enough for Heaven? How good do you have to be? Go to and take the test to see." I have checked periodically and no one had caught my balloon, until this morning, when I checked its tracking. Someone had popped it and responded like this, "Don't go there its wrong way. Go to if you know what "really" Jesus said then you become a muslim, but you changed it". Now to learn to help people involved in Islam. God loves them and wants them to know Him also. Pray for me to have wisdom in responding to this person. I don't know yet how to work with this 'balloon' program, or if I can respond, but I will look at it later.

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