Maraca with Bible Verse

Maraca with Bible Verse
1 Timothy 2:5

Good Reads From Amazon

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Everyday Evangelism- Tracts Again

Today was a good tracting day. Although I didn't get into any deep conversations with anyone, people were very receptive to the tracts I was giving out to them. The first man reminded me of Bill Cosby. I gave him a tract at Walmart this morning, and he told me that he got one about a month ago. He gave it to his grandson and has it hanging up and wanted another one for himself. When I was at the dry cleaners later on in the day, I gave one to a lady who was sitting in her car. She was so thankful for the tract. When I came back to my car, she wanted to have another one for someone else. At another store, I was looking for some make up and there were 2 workers at the counter trying to help me find what I was looking for. When we were finished I asked them if they had ever received the tract. They both had one from me, and the man told me that his is hanging on the wall at home. Then he took another one to bring home. He also thanked me for doing what I was doing and felt that it was very important thing to be doing. I explained to them that eternity doesn't end and that people need to know the Gospel. I also learned that the time has finally come when I give someone a tract, that they may have already received one, probably from me, but could have been from someone else. Maybe it is time to look into using a new tract. For the past 5 years, I've been giving this tract away, and rarely do I have someone tell me that they already got one. But it is happening now. That is good. I would love to saturate the town with tracts, but what is better is if the tracts provide an ice breaker to preach the Gospel to someone who has already received one. Or, if they haven't, then I can explain to them what it is, and then lead up to the Gospel. God is faithful and His word will not come back empty! Let's pray for creative ways to get the Gospel out in print, and that God would give us opportunities to speak the words of life to a lost and dying world.


  1. Hey Susan, That is really AWESOME what God does through the use of tracts. I am a Fed Ex deliverer and have been handing out Gospel tracts the last 4 yrs. Sometimes I hand them to people personally and ask them to read this because it has an AWESOME message. A lot of times I will just lay down the little booklet or business card size tract and it is ALWAYS gone when I come back the next day or later that day... there is no telling how many have been saved through this ministry. GOD IS AWESOME !!!!!!


  2. That is great David, to be faithful in passing out tracts. Keep up the good work. We never know who will end up reading the tracts or how they will affect those who read them, but eternity will reveal how God's word ministered to people. Our only job is to be faithful with what God has given us, and He has given us a lot. Keep sowing those seeds and have a Happy Easter (Resurrection Day)!
