Maraca with Bible Verse

Maraca with Bible Verse
1 Timothy 2:5

Good Reads From Amazon

Friday, April 8, 2011

Everyday Evangelism-Writing in the Sand

Every time I hear a particular song, I have a memory that goes with it. The song is called, "Here I am to Worship". It reminds me of a time when our family went to the beach a couple of years ago. My son and I came up with a new hobby while at the beach; writing in the sand. One time he wrote the 10 Commandments in the sand at the beach. Every time I wrote something, it took up so much room. I don't remember what exactly I wrote most of the time, but I know it was related to the Gospel. There is a part to the song, "Here I am to Worship" that goes like this; "I'll never know how much it costs to see my sin upon that Cross." I wrote that in the sand while we were on this particular beach trip. Late one afternoon, there was no one on the beach because of red tide. Occasionally, some one would stroll through. I believe I was writing this verse of the song during that time, in the sand. A group of people that consisted of what looked like two moms with some children were walking along the beach. They seemed polite and one of the moms was trying to get her child to be careful around my writing. If I remember correctly, as they were going past the words, the mom had the strangest look on her face as if she were thinking, 'Get me out of here!'. We had fun at the beach that time. We also took a bottle and put some tracts in it, and launched it on the water. I left my email address in it, but have not heard from any recipients. God's word will go out with power, whether we see the effect or not. It will not return to Him void.


  1. Great idea!

    Because it is so hard to do one-to-one evangelism at the beach, I came up with an idea a few years ago.

    I had just got a new metal detector the Christmas before our beach trip. Instead of walking up to people on the beach and handing out tracts, I let them come to me.

    It never fails when I go out metal detecting for people to walk up to me and ask if I had found anything. I stop, take off my headphones and reach into my pack and take out a million dollr bill tract. I say, "I have found a few quarters, nickles, etc...and this million dollar bill." I give them the bill and tell them there is a gospel tract on it.

    Sometimes I will get to witness one-to-one right there on the spot, and sometimes the people just walk away; still holding that tract.
