Evangelism Outreach Ideas
1. Make bread and deliver it to the neighbors on a regular basis. I used to make bread at Christmas time and give it out to the neighbors, but this was such a burden because we were so busy and the neighbors were rarely home! However, one time I did give some goodies to the neighbors and somehow a lady I just met asked me some questions about the church. I was able to answer them with the Gospel. I am thinking about just making bread and giving that out periodically instead of at Christmas. Maybe more people will be home and I will have more time to talk to them and get to know them.
2. Christmas Caroling Project-I have a post on this already. We get together and go in a neighborhood and sing authentic Christmas carols and give each family we visit a bag with things related to the Gospel and a few other goodies.
3. Easter Idea- Show movie of Passion of the Christ and give out John Piper’s book to each participant. This is an idea from John Piper. I would imagine it could be done the day before Easter or Good Friday, either at a church building or a home. I have not done this one yet.
4. Have something cooked on hand when people come to work on the house. Give it to them as they leave along with a tract or a toy (with Scripture). I have done this at times, and it is very effective. If I know someone is coming to my house to work on something in the house, I will make some cookies or something appealing for them. People really seemed touched by this. I also give them a tract as they leave. I make sure that people who are doing strenuous work have a bottle or two of cooled water as well. Sometimes by the time they get the tract, they start a conversation.
5. Hold a class in the neighborhood on apologetics. Have a Bible club for children at the house.I have quite a few videos on apologetics and would love to share them in a setting. While I know this isn't primarily evangelistic, it may end up being just that. It is open to anyone who has an interest in finding out the reasons why Christianity is valid. It can also spur believers into action in defending the faith and evangelism preparation.
6. Free Speech Green at UCF- UCF is a nearby college that has something called a Free Speech Green where evangelists go to do open air as well as other evangelism methods.
7. Table at the local community colleges. This is great if you can do this. We set up a table with tracts and books and have other items on it too, like an electric billboard. I would put interesting questions on the electric billboard to create an interest to come to the table. One question I asked was about why God would allow wars. A Jehovah's Witness young woman came up and was trying to argue, but I was able to say things to her to make her silent. By the way, they had a table out there too.
8. Farmer's markets-I haven't done this yet, but imagine that it can be done. It is better to do it in winter or spring around here before it gets too hot to be outside.
9. Walmart- There are people in the US that have gotten permission to set up a table outside of Walmart. I tried a couple of them around here, but they didn't seem to understand what I was talking about. Walmart is a great place to share the Gospel. If you can get permission to set up a table, go for it.