Maraca with Bible Verse

Maraca with Bible Verse
1 Timothy 2:5

Good Reads From Amazon

Monday, July 22, 2013

Let's Give Them Hope!

    I found it! The answer to the question I have been asking for a long time. What is it that seems wrong in so much of evangelism that is done today? Well, I think I have narrowed it down to this one answer; many of our messages to the lost do not provide hope. We are good at telling people how bad they are. Maybe we aren’t as tactful as we should be, but people can hear what their sin is from us. But do we just leave it at that and put people down because of their sin? Do we want them to come to Christ and be rescued, or is this a good opportunity for us to talk down to someone to make us look more powerful? I know I am being blunt, and I know I have been guilty of doing these things as well.
  I think of the Armstrongs, who preach on college campuses on the East Coast. When I hear them talk (preach?), I have to wonder if they are part of Westboro. (see blog on Westboro Why Westboro is Wrong). Their methods, so many times like ours, use humiliation and don’t offer hope to the lost person. What is the point of preaching the Gospel if you don’t offer hope for the person to repent and come to Christ? When Jesus died, a serious price was made for people to be reconciled back to God. If we don’t offer that in our messages, part of the Gospel call is missing.
   I think people almost always throw the baby out with the bath water. That’s what gets us into trouble. We see tons of people in churches today, who are false converts. I think we are going to one side of the spectrum to make sure that the people we talk to don’t end up being false converts. As a result, we just leave people in their sins! We are so afraid that they are going to pretend to get saved, that we don’t help them to turn to God! I understand this dilemma and I too don’t want to make false converts and mislead people about their own salvation. But, while there are those out there who would try to take advantage of God’s mercy, there really are those who are looking for hope. If we tell them of the perfect standard they have to meet, but have failed, and we leave the message with that, what will their reactions be? One reaction is, they will try to do better at being a good person, then eventually they will become disillusioned with Christianity because it doesn’t work. The others will think that God is a hard taskmaster and will end up being disillusioned about who God is and what He is like. Is it any wonder that people are hesitant about listening to the Gospel? The Gospel is a hard message to preach. It is hard for a person to receive the truths in it, let alone respond to it. Let’s make it easy for people to want to approach us without feeling condemned while they are around us. Let’s offer them the whole Gospel, and give them the hope they may be looking for.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"You Are Not Qualified" Among Other Lies

  I was recently thinking of one of the reasons I would not do evangelism in my earlier years. It was a voice that told me that I was stepping into territory I didn't belong in. It told me I was not qualified to share the Gospel with people. You had to be at a certain level with the Lord and I obviously was not there, and, according to the voice, I probably would never be there.
   Have you ever had thoughts like that? Maybe they came through a friend or family member? Perhaps someone told you that you were a hypocrite. If so, you probably retreated back and assumed that you shouldn't ever bring up subjects having to do with God, church, the Bible, etc. because you are not there yet.
   Let me tell you right now. If you have placed your trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior (the One who made atonement for your sin and reconciled you to God), and you are born again into God's family, there is no level that you will ever have to reach in order to qualify to do evangelism. The only qualification a person needs to have is their relationship to God through the Cross of Jesus Christ. This principle applies to all areas of ministry as well as evangelism.
   One day, I should write a book, after I compile all the lies of the Enemy that I have heard people tell me, or that I have heard myself. How many times do we listen to this voice? I believe that as we are discipled in the Lord, and as we grow spiritually, we will learn to hear God's voice more clearly (the voice of Truth) and dispel the voice of the Enemy (the Father of Lies).
   But perhaps you really don't know the Lord yet. Have you personally come to the place where you have repented of your sins and turned to the Lord to save you? Have you trusted in Jesus Christ as the only way that you can go to heaven? If not, go to or for more information on that.
   If you do know the Lord, you have the privilege to share the Gospel with people. God gave us a command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. When those lies come to you about not being worthy or at a certain level spiritually, remember that the devil hates the fact that you have the Gospel. Since he can't take it away from you, he can prevent you from giving it to others. Don't listen to his voice anymore.
  One more word. It does help tremendously to have training and equipping to do evangelism (see Ephesians 4). We are always learning when it comes to doing the work of evangelism. As we grow in sanctification, we are being changed, and when that happens, we are more graced to share the Gospel with others. Look for ways to grow spiritually. Become part of a good, Bible-believing church. Study the Bible. Grow in grace and humility, and develop compassion (2 Cor. 5:14). A good resource for evangelism is
   Evangelism is something we grow in as we practice it. It is not a matter of reaching a certain level and then becoming 'qualified'. We will stumble, at times. We will make mistakes. But we will get better with practice.
   Above all, pray for God to help you in this area. Pray for boldness. Pray for compassion. Pray for wisdom. We can only share the Gospel effectively when we have the power of God in us to do so. (Acts 1:8). But this is God's design, and we can be free to 'go for it' in love for the lost and for God's name.

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Unstoppable Gospel is Being Stopped By People in High Places

 This story is told in light of other situations going on that indicate the response of the kingdom of Darkness to the Gospel message, specifically when people are publicly communicating it. Yesterday, we were told that Facebook and Youtube blocked the coming movie called 'Unstoppable' starring Kirk Cameron. My guess is that someone was angry because the Gospel message is being communicated in some way in the movie, and that person probably clicked on 'report as spam' options on both Youtube and Facebook. I think there are more Christians giving out tracts and standing up for the Gospel, thus, the opposition begins. We should be surprised if there isn't opposition. We would have to wonder if we are really preaching or communicating the Gospel if that were the case.

   OK it happened again. I know this will be happening more and more as more Christians pass out tracts and share the Gospel with people. Unless this is in my imagination, this really happened at a neighborhood grocery store that I used to frequent, of all places. I saw a group of young men and they were nearing the store. I usually don't give tracts out at this point unless someone asks for one, but I couldn't resist because I knew they would be open. There were 4 guys and I started talking to them explaining what the tract was and then they headed toward the entrance when I heard a woman telling them something they were allowed to be doing (I think she was hollering at them because of the tracts). I didn't understand but there were two store workers and the young men didn't put up with whatever she was saying. I believe she was talking about the tracts and telling them that they weren't allowed to have them on store property. I just walked toward the car and Looked back and saw the man and woman that worked at the store looking toward me. I thought for sure they would come after me but they didn't. Then, I heard a young man yelling 'God bless you lady' but I didn't see who it was. 
I am writing this to say the same things that I wrote in a blog this morning. Don't be surprised when authorities come after you and stop you from giving out tracts, as if you are doing some kind of criminal offense. These people are reacting against the kingdom of Light and they will oppose it. They are uncomfortable around the light and they will do whatever they have the power to do in order to stop it. Don't let this discourage you. 

 I am reminded here of something my mom used to tell me. When we got a cut, she wanted to put peroxide on the cut, but told us that it would sting. Also, if there were infection, not only would it sting, but, there would be bubbles on the wound because of the reaction of the peroxide to the cut. I think of the effects of the Gospel and liken them to the peroxide on the wound. It stings. It makes bubbles when there is really an infection. The Gospel stings and bubbles up when people hear it and people react to it. 

  Months ago, I offered a tract to an older woman, and told her what it was, and she was so irate, I believe she went into the store and told on me, for when I was coming out of the store, I was stopped by someone who worked in customer service and he told me to not pass tracts out anymore at the store. This store is right across the street from the one I was at today. People are buckling up to protect themselves from hearing the Gospel. But.....and this is important.... God is at work in the tracts you give out. That is why the kingdom of Darkness is reacting. I have had good Gospel conversations at both of these stores and God is definitely at work. And Satan will be there to oppose God's work to keep people in bondage. Don't give up sharing the Gospel. Just pray for the people who get into trouble because you gave them a tract. And pray for the lights to come on in the hearts of those who work at these stores.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Another Video With A Gospel Card Trick- The 10 Commandments

Here is another video of a Gospel card trick. This one allows me to go through the 10 Commandments. When I get a little more skilled on doing this, I can make the video longer and with more explanation. This video is made with small children in mind. I briefly went through the 10 Commandments, but would like to expand on them more in the future.
I am going to post the video on the side, because I am trying to figure out the formatting for it, and I am not that computer savvy yet. One day, with all this technical education, I might be able to tackle it.
   If I can figure out how to get it on Youtube, that is the destination I am shooting for. The video was taken from someone else's camera so I don't have access to the original video.
   I have to give credit for the card trick to a Youtube put out by 'Scamschool'. It is a fool-proof trick and if done properly, it will work every time.